Tuesday, July 14, 2009

King Xerxes Had Issues

I'm really starting to wonder about the mindset of King Xerxes. First, he decides to show off the splendors of his kingdom and hold a banquet that lasts 7 days. Then, he gets upset when his wife decides not to come when he calls. I wonder if Queen Vashti was just ready for the party to be done and life to return to normal. What was the relationship between Xerxes and Vashti like before the days of showing off the kingdom and hosting an extravagant party? To top it all off, Xerxes decides to listen to his "advisors" and decrees that Vashti is never allowed to enter the presence of the king again. The man had issues.

As we get ready to tackle our second week of homework, the search for a new queen has begun. Before the candidates can enter King Xerxes presence they are to spend time under the care of Hegai. Beauty treatments are to be given. I'm all for taking care of ourselves, but this is just a little crazy, don't you think? The girl who pleases the king will be the new queen. So much for having a one-on-one chat with Vashti to see why she made the decision she did. King Xerxes just decided to move on. The man had issues.

Feel free to post throughout the week about your homework or the session at the end of our first week. We can learn so much from each other. I'll have another Esther post next Tuesday.


  1. I love what Beth said in Session 1: "You cannot amputate your history from your destiny." So many times I have wanted to run away from things that happened in my past, especially my childhood. It was not until I embraced that God was with me, even then, that I was able to move on in being a witness for Christ.

  2. I love the analogy on day 3 that shows how the girls were prepared to meet king Xerxes and how in comparison God prepares us to be with Him---such a total contrast. He clothes us with righteouness and presents us pure and blameless---while Xerxes does not care about dignity. That is pretty great to think about. While the world may take advantage of us and exploit--God wants the best for us and truely cares for us!!

  3. Well this is my first Beth Moore study and I started off backwards and I'm trying to catch up almost there. I'm finding it a little dificult to understand and maybe it is because I did the session 1 then the intro we'll see I do like listening to her.
